Back to the Pavilion and a Comforting Noodle Soup Recipe (using instant noodles)


It was a superb impromptu vacation. To see a part of the country you didn’t know what to expect from. It was so wonderful and exciting, that i even forgot to fuss over turning a year older!! We had a lovely time, i came back with fabulous memories, a tonne of photographs, the joy of having met a dear friend and gratitude for my namesake who graciously opened her home to K and me. Also came back with severe sun burn (the skin on my neck is still peeling) and K is a little under the weather! I hope to blog about all the places we saw in a while. for now, let me just say, much as i had a fabulous time, coming back home after literally sleeping in a new bed each night was so wonderful!

For now, since K is down with a cold and little bit of fever post this hectic trip and the weather in Hyderabad has pleasantly cooled off to welcome the not so heavy rains, i decided to make a simple vegetable soup / broth with noodles. i never quite liked chicken soup even when i was a meat eater, preferring to have the vegetable version of it always. now that i am vegetarian, i am a little  amazed at the flavours the soup takes on. I’d like to feed this soup to all those people who think vegetables and particularly soup made from them will only be tasteless.

Noodle Soup
Noodle Soup

This is a real easy and simple soup and can be made with any veggies you may have at hand. Plus its kind of like and open and shut case. Just toss everything you need into a pot (I used a pressure cooker), let it all cook and simmer for 15-20 minutes while you go and refresh yourself after a hard day’s labour and dinner is ready!

Noodle Soup (Ingredients make for 2 Large servings)

1/2 cup diced onion

1 cup ripe tomatoes, diced

1 cup vegetables of choice (i used florets of cauliflower and diced carrots)

21/2 cups water

salt to taste

1/2 tsp butter or olive oil

1/2 tsp finely chopped ginger and garlic

5-6 black peppercorns, crushed

6-7 fresh mint leaves, chopped

1 cup cooked noodles, i used the flat instant variety

method: heat the pressure pan and add the butter / olive oil. add the onions and other veggies and saute till the onions are just changing colour. add the ginger and garlic and saute another few seconds. add the tomatoes, water, crushed pepper and salt to taste. cover and cook till the vegetables are just cooked. i cooked it under pressure for one whistle.

open the cooker and check for seasoning. add the cooked noodles, add the chopped mint leaves and simmer about 2-3 minutes. Serve hot.

If you want more liquid and less noodles, adjust accordingly.

13 Comments Add yours

  1. deeba says:

    Wonderful vacation. I ♥ the Himalayas…Wow!!

  2. Sudeshna says:

    Hi Arundhuti,
    I hope you had a great trip to Uttaranchal. I just love the beauty of this little state, have travelled extensively through the various mountain ranges in Uttarakhand. The photo is just so refreshing. And wishing you a belated happy birthday.

  3. bee and jai says:

    gorgeous place!!! good luck with the diet plan.

  4. Rupa says:

    Hey Anu, such lovely pics….many a times one needs a small vacation to get over a splendid vacation…ain’t it? 🙂 Take good rest both of you ….waiting for more pics and posts…a travelogue…and such yum soup and pretty easy…
    take care.

  5. Lubna Karim says:

    Oh wow……what a pleasant view…….soup looks comforting and yum……

  6. sig says:

    Oh what a fab picture! Post more pics soon! And the soup looks great too!

  7. yasmeen says:

    Spectacular shot of himalayas.And the bowl of soup looks very appealing 😛

  8. Miss M says:

    Ah, beautiful!

    And in the cold aussie weather, that bowl of soup is what I need right now!

  9. Priti says:

    Beautiful pic….soup looks so inviting

  10. Divya Vikram says:

    Lovely picture!! Soup bowl looks comforting!

  11. Raaga says:

    Hmmm… very inviting! That bowl of soup I meant 😉 I had tried to teach my mother to make soups like this… with vegetables and noodles with a little Cheinees flavour… all for nothing. She prefers making aloo bonda 🙂 what to do.

    Ayyo… no joy of having met us? Only gratitude? 😛



  12. Swapna says:

    Oh..hope K is feeling better… take care ..I am going to make that soup today 🙂

  13. Vani says:

    Oh, how very beautiful is that picture!! Glad you had a great vacation 🙂

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